About Us



I am Semra (32), the founder of "ohelinis" (then also known as "lillybabyy").

Am married to what feels like the world's best husband and my biggest supporter from the beginning.


My main job was working in a pharmacy for a long period of time and I loved my job very much.


The desire to create products for babies from natural materials and give them an individual touch became more and more real with the birth of my first child in 2013. Being a very creative person, I wanted to use my parental leave at home wisely and started designing my own baby products.


Many were so enthusiastic about my work that some parents had tears in their eyes for joy, at the latest then, I saw that I was definitely on the right track. Thus, I made the decision to make my creative hobby a profession.



How did the name ohelinis actually come about?“


This is a question that I am often asked. Quite simply, I have merged in the brand the names of my children. Accordingly, it is certainly understandable that the name has a great personal significance for me!



Around the products of "ohelinis"


Most ohelinis products are manufactured in our own factory. Of course, I pay a lot of attention to the use of high-quality materials and a convincing quality. I know what parents value and only include products in the range that I would also make available to my children.


I will continue to design new products in the future, but one thing will never change: my love for handwork, my high quality standards and the love I put into every single product.


